Draw a heatmap of selected miRNAs.
x = trainx[, 1:10],
rlab = data.frame(Batch = dane$Batch, Class = dane$Class),
zscore = F,
margins = c(10, 10),
expression_name = "log10(TPM)",
trim_min = NULL,
trim_max = NULL,
centered_on = NULL,
legend_pos = "topright",
legend_cex = 0.8,
- x
Matrix of log-transformed TPM-normalized counts with miRNAs in columns and cases in rows.
- rlab
Data frame of factors to be marked on heatmap (like batch or class). Maximum of 2 levels for every variable is supported.
- zscore
Whether to z-score values before clustering and plotting.
- expression_name
What should be written on the plot?
- trim_min
Trim lower than.. Useful for setting appropriate scale
- trim_max
Trim greater than.. Useful for setting appropriate scale
- centered_on
On which value should the scale be centered? If null - median will be used.
- legend_pos
Where should the legend should be? Default: topright
- legend_cex
How large should the legend should be? Default: 0.8